Monday, May 26, 2008

Element Discount Blowout!!!!

So after 2 weeks in sunny Peru, the first thing I'm greeted by back here at the shop is a shedload of Element stuff...everyone assures me that its I thought that it was my first order of business to tell all y'all about it. 30% OFF!! and just look at the photos sick if you love the Element brand.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Altamont Fashion Show!!!

Jason and I got bored on a gloomy Thursday morning, so decided to do a little Altamont clothing exhibition.Heres the logo.
Here we have the AR Wilshire jean...logo T, and a sic wid it fedora.
Close up on the T.
AR Wilshire in grey, all over T with Corperal Hood.
Detail of the all over.
Check out the jeans with the leopard print Emerica Reynolds 3s. Makes you wanna come get the whole kit eh? don't worry, I understand.